Here is some information which came into my email about the power of this 2008 summer solstice. I could feel the great significance to it and this clarifies those feelings. Joining with all of you harmonically…What a party!
Sounding a single tone of Love,
*SOLSTICE AND THE GAIA GATEWAY*Time Code Shift ~ One Harmonic Overtone Created*Children of the Sun Foundation received the following information whichis in synchronistic resonance to the unified planetary focus for theupcoming Full Moon and Solstice Grid Transmissions. We forward this messagefor your own feeling and discernment.*A beloved sister, Judith Moore, of Crop Circles Revealed, receivedinformation regarding a time shift occurring on June 21. She was told by 13grandmothers that a note would go out creating a sound harmonic that wouldgreatly assist the Earth's shift into the new dimension.There is also a time shift referred to in the Galactic Mayan Calender whichis to also occur during Summer Solstice, 2008. It is a shift in which anew harmonic overtone for the Earth is created to assist in the massawakening of humanity.One overtone aligns all the galactic suns and solar encodements into oneharmonic of Source energy. This overtone will be created simultaneouslywith the release of specific solar programming from the Great Central Sun.The opening of this solar encodement creates a new language pattern whichwill trigger a spontaneous quantum leap in consciousness.This one overtone will also be attuned through the consciousness of thehuman light bodies that have reached an ability to authentically embodyharmonic union.The harmonic overtone will be transmitted through the galactic grail UnifiedField. It is will also be calibrated in a wave that moves across the planetwith the intention of creating one tone, one field of harmonic resonance andunion. This will happen on June 21st, 2008 at 12 noon.On this day of the Summer Solstice, this tone will be transmitted throughthe Unified Field and to the superconsciousness of all six billion humans onthe planet. This will indeed create a wave form that will help acceleratethe space/time continuum of Earth.*Children of the Sun will unite on the Planetary Crystalline Grid withthousands of people **from around the world to receive and transmit this Great Central Sunovertone and New Earth harmonic of love and union.
NEW! Soul Connection has a new website to accomodate more details on our Sacred Journeys with lots of wonderful photos from past journeys to the Big Island of Hawaii. Allow your dreams to become areality and join us on the Island of Fire and Ice in 2009.
Keep watching the new site for information of the addition of our Sacred Journey to Sedona Arizona in November 2008.
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